Oshkosh Healthy Neighborhoods (GO-HNI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit private/public community development corporation dedicated to strengthening Oshkosh neighborhoods.
In the fall of 2016, a small group of individuals from both the private and public sectors began to explore the idea of forming a corporation to focus on building, enhancing and sustaining healthy neighborhoods in the greater Oshkosh area. On January 27, 2016, Greater Oshkosh Healthy Neighborhoods, Inc. held an inaugural meeting to pass by-laws, obtain commitments from prospective Board members, form committees and begin the journey toward our vision

Oshkosh Healthy Neighborhoods is a private/public nonprofit community development corporation dedicated to strengthening Oshkosh neighborhoods by engaging residents, encouraging reinvestment and elevating community pride through the creation of community investment partnerships for the benefit of residents in the greater Oshkosh area.
Oshkosh is a community of neighborhoods that is attractive, safe, friendly, and a desirable place for residents to live, work, learn and play.
Accountability: We understand that our actions impact the lives of others.
Civility: We strive to actively listen to others, show respect, maintain confidential integrity, demonstrate ethical behaviors and be constructive in building relationships and forming partnerships.
Diversity: We acknowledge the wide range of visible and invisible differences among people and strive to foster a climate that is open and welcoming to diverse ideas and perspectives. We believe we can enrich every discussion and decision by embracing diversity.
Empowerment: We believe in the responsible freedom of residents to lead and define the future of their neighborhoods.
Innovation: We aim to be creative, effective and efficient in helping to create inspired and visionary solutions that lead to positive change in our community.
Quality: We support high standards of design and property maintenance that lead to equity protection and reflect a commitment to the aesthetics, culture and history of our city.