What does creating a Neighborhood Association look like?

  • Gathering Interest 
    • Oshkosh Healthy Neighborhoods recommends gathering a good group of around ten neighbors interested in  learning more about our organization and what a neighborhood association is.
  • Meetings
    • Introductory Meeting
      • This meeting will be to inform the first group of interested individuals what a neighborhood association is, the benefits of being a recognized neighborhood by the city and what our organization can do to help with the process! 
    • Neighborhood Agreement/Preparation for Organizing Meeting
      • The Neighborhood agreement is a document that states your goals for the neighborhood, location, roles and other subjects you feel are your neighborhood values! Working with a larger group of interested individuals, this meeting will focus on going through that process and working towards your last meeting.
    • Neighborhood Organizing Meeting
      • A minimum of twenty participants need to be present at this gathering which will be the final meeting to establish your neighborhood! Here the group within the proposed neighborhood boundaries will vote on a name, boundaries and the neighborhood agreement to finally become a recognized neighborhood association.
  • Final
    • City Council
      • The City Council will recognize the new established neighborhood after the organizing meeting and you will be one of the new neighborhood associations in Oshkosh.